DAO Maker – Weekly summary 4-35: growth days

At the end of yet another busy week for everyone on the DAO Maker team, we would like to summarize all the developments in a weekly summary! Find out what happened and stay tuned!
DAO Maker Narratives:
- $ALICE Token Successfully Listed!
- HAPI: Launch on Gate.io!
- Dafi Protocol: SHO Merit and Community Round Started!
- Token Burn: Over 70k $DAO Tokens Burned!
- Over 65k Twitter Followers!
- 30% DAO Flash SALE on ChangeNOW!
- DAO Vault Launch
DAO Maker BizDevs:
- New Strategic Partner: HyperPay
- New Strategic Partner: Measurable Data Token
- New Strategic Partner: StrongBlock
- New Strategic Partner: Troon Technologies
- New Strategic Partner: XanPool
- New Network Partner: Code To Inspire (CTI)
New Exchanges:
Platform News!
DAO Vault
Vault launch, and SHOs will only be available to users who participate in staking via the Vault. As the goal is to align the community with long-term focused users, staking will have a 10-day wait time when users will try to unstake. DAO Maker’s platform hosts over 150,000 verified users. This substantial user base is the product of years of adoption of our services, ranging from governance tech to structured fundraising.
DAO Vault: http://vault.daomaker.com
SHO News!
MyNeighbourAlice $ALICE listing on Binance!
SHO client MyNeighbourAlice will have the $ALICE token move into the innovation zone on 2021-03-15 at 06:00 AM (UTC).
Tweet: https://twitter.com/TheDaoMaker/status/1369228564026032130?s=19
HAPI: HAPI Launch on Gate.io
HAPI launched on Gate.io Startup and trading was enabled at 15:30 UTC on March 10.
Find Out More: https://www.gate.io/en/article/19736/?ch=en_sm_0321
Tweet: https://twitter.com/gate_io/status/1369582141114302467?s=19
HAPI research page:https://daomaker.com/sho/hapi
Dafi Protocol: Next SHO!
Dafi Protocol: SHO Merit and Community Round Started!
March 11th (12pm UTC) – sign-ins start
March 16th (12pm UTC) – sign-ins are closed
March 16th (14pm UTC) – winners are announced by email, KYC is open for 1 hour
March 16th (15pm UTC) – Contributions are open for winners of merit round
Full Details: https://medium.com/daomaker/dafi-protocol-sho-guidelines-c69e06a1e42c
Tweet: https://twitter.com/TheDaoMaker/status/1367870406258999298?s=19
About DAFI
Telegram: https://t.me/dafiprotocol
Website: https://www.dafiprotocol.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dafiprotocol
Research Page: https://daomaker.com/sho/dafi
DAO Maker BizDevs:
New Strategic Partner: HyperPay
This week we partnered with HyperPay to integrate the DAO token and to support DAO Maker’s multi-investment platform on HyperPay’s digital wallet.
HyperPay will introduce the DAO token to millions of users in Asia, allowing a massive new group of stakeholders to access our financial innovations. This is a major step in making DAO Maker’s multi-investment platform globally accessible, and forwarding our mission to provide powerful wealth creation opportunities to the masses.
Learn more about HyperPay at: www.hyperpay.tech
Retweet: https://twitter.com/TheDaoMaker/status/1368915203879034884
New Strategic Partner: Measurable Data Token
We secured a strategic partnership with MDT this week, and MDT is an ecosystem that consists of several innovative brands pioneering in consumer data monetization using blockchain. MDT’s technologies possess enormous value to several industries, such as retail businesses, prediction markets, and decentralized finance.
DAO Maker is collaborating with MDT on multiple levels. Firstly, MDT will improve the chain-analysis of SHOs to optimize the upcoming multi-investment platform and enhance users’ data experience on Social Mining SaaS. Secondly, DAO Maker will incubate their start-up projects, utilizing our expertise and advantages to accelerate their data innovations’ industrial adoption.
MDT will introduce the DAO token to millions of users in Asia to accelerate the global movement of financial inclusion, allowing more people to benefit from the powerful wealth creation opportunities enabled by DAO Maker.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/TheDaoMaker/status/1369242727544676354
Medium: https://medium.com/measurabledata/mdt-forms-a-strategic-partnership-with-dao-maker-7f6944761aaa
New Strategic Partner: StrongBlock
This week we entered into a strategic partnership with StrongBlock which is pioneering monetized node operation by utilizing DeFi protocols and NFT’s to further incentivize the node community. StrongBlock’s Nodes As A Service (NaaS) allows anyone to run a node without technical expertise, creating a seamless on-ramp to attract more users to build and strengthen their blockchain of choice.
The partnership helps to expand our ecosystem, allowing an optimal solution for our blockchain partners to efficiently enable network security in a fraction of the time. DAO Maker will assist the strategic expansion of StrongBlock from Ethereum to additional blockchains, enabling business collaboration to maximize network benefits within the DAO Maker Ecosystem.
Read more at https://strongblockio.medium.com/strongblock-and-dao-maker-enter-strategic-partnership-2dc2f1dafbc9
RT: https://twitter.com/TheDaoMaker/status/1369665268839047169
New Strategic Partner: Troon Technologies
We formed a strategic partnership with Troon Technologies which is a tech ecosystem built on a mutual sense of entrepreneurship, collaborating with leading academic institutions in Canada and Pakistan. From providing custom-built solutions on blockchains to preparing developers with an excellent academic record, their willingness to deliver work is admirable.
Troon Technologies collaborates with DAO Maker to add development talents and blockchain expertise into our ecosystem, enhancing our ability to provide skilled and much-needed talented developers to start-ups we incubate.
DAO Maker offers the most resource- and experience-rich incubation in the space. This partnership strengthens our position.
Read more about Troon Technologies at: troontechnologies.com
RT: https://twitter.com/TheDaoMaker/status/1369951824690741251
New Strategic Partner: XanPool
We entered into collaboration with XanPool to add multiple fiat deposits as a payment option on the upcoming multi-investment platform, strengthening our fiat onramp to support more markets through national currencies.
As the vast portion of the world still relies heavily on fiat, this is a leap forward in our ability to support the substantial user base that exists outside the current crypto circle. The collaboration brings fiat support for the Hong Kong Dollar, Indian Rupee, Indonesian Rupiah, Philippine Peso, Singapore Dollar, Malaysian Ringgit, Thai Baht, and the Vietnamese Dong.
This integration will allow more retail households across Asia to benefit from DAO Maker’s financial solutions directly with fiat, a major step in our mission to bring wealth creation opportunities to anyone, everywhere.
Read more about XanPool at https://xanpool.com/
New Network Partner: Code To Inspire (CTI)
This week we announced our support for Code To Inspire (CTI), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization educating women on Blockchain in Afghanistan.
With 250+ women being educated, 70% of them have already found above average paying jobs in their country. CTI is creating Blockchain synergies in Afghanistan.
We’re committed to this cause by adding CTI to our ecosystem, enabling strong development support to both DAO Maker and the start-ups in our ecosystem, while also coinciding with our mission of providing wealth creation opportunities to anyone, anywhere.
Find out more about CTI at: codetoinspire.org
RT: https://twitter.com/TheDaoMaker/status/1370409242864320514
New Exchange: AEX
AEX Exchange listed the DAO token this week, and starting at 08:00am UTC on March 15th, anyone became able to trade DAO via the DAO/USDT pair on AEX.
Founded in 2013, AEX is a global digital asset trading service platform dedicated to building a trustworthy digital asset bank for millions of users. Since its establishment, AEX has held the principle of neutrality and to do no evil, advocates safe investment and stable value-added. This listing will introduce DAO Maker’s token and its wealth creation solutions to millions of users within the AEX community in China.
More Info about the listing:
RT: https://twitter.com/TheDaoMaker/status/1369639016262475777
30% DAO Flash SALE on ChangeNOW!
900 $DAO Giveaway on XT.com Exchange!
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